Boating Accidents

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Florida Boat Accident Attorneys

Experienced Legal Support for Boating Accident Victims in Florida

Florida’s beautiful weather and extensive coastline make it a prime destination for boaters, attracting enthusiasts from all over the country. Florida has one of the highest rates of boating accidents in the nation. Many of these accidents are caused by someone’s negligence, leading to serious consequences for those involved.

You may have been struck by a boat operator who was distracted, underage, or under the influence of alcohol or drugs. The recklessness of an individual operating a watercraft can also result in severe injuries to swimmers, Jet Skiers, and other innocent people who are simply trying to enjoy a day on the water. The effects of such accidents can be devastating, leaving victims to deal with physical injuries, emotional trauma, and financial burdens. No matter the circumstances, if you have been harmed due to someone else’s negligence on the water, you have the right to seek compensation for your damages and hold the responsible party accountable.

Our firm has over 50 years of experience and is ready to help you find justice after a boat accident. Start your claim today by calling our Florida office at +1 (954) 963-0444.

Contact Our Firm

    We are here to help you file a claim after a boating accident. You could be able to recover compensation for:

    • Medical bills
    • Future medical needs
    • Lost wages
    • Decreased earning capacity
    • Pain and suffering

    Especially if your injuries were serious, your losses can quickly add up. Don’t face them alone—reach out to an experienced boat accident attorney in Florida to learn about your legal options with a personal injury lawsuit.

    The Dangers of Boating

    Operating a Boat While Distracted

    When operating a boat, it’s essential to stay alert and have your eyes on the water to ensure your passengers’ safety. When distracted by texting or talking on the phone, it could impair your ability to make a quick decision when a dangerous situation arises.

    Inexperienced Boat Operators

    When it comes to boating, understanding the rules and regulations when out on the water is imperative for everyone’s safety. It’s also vital for boat operators to be trained and licensed before taking the steer. Understanding how to act quickly in an emergency situation, and how to navigate the waters with skill, can reduce the risk of being involved in a boating accident.

    Drinking While Boating

    Many boaters like to entertain on board, and coolers are often filled with beer and other types of alcohol. However, operating a boat under the influence of alcohol is a surefire way to be involved in a deadly accident. Keep your passengers safe and refrain from alcohol use when you are operating a boat.

    How Boaters Can Stay Safe

    Victims of boating accidents aren’t always physically on board —swimmers, jet skiers, or anyone participating in various water sports can be involved in a boating accident.

    While it’s impossible to prevent a boating accident entirely, there are some things you can to stay safe on the water.

    • Keep boats well-maintained and functioning correctly.
    • Adhere to boat weight limits.
    • Ensure anyone operating the boat has a boating license.
    • Avoid speeding.
    • Go over safety rules and procedures with boat passengers.

    It’s also important to have the following safety equipment easily accessible on board:

    • Life jackets
    • Fire extinguishers
    • Throwable flotation devices
    • Visual and sound signaling devices
    • First aid kits
    • Bailing buckets
    • Radio
    • Utility knife
    • Flashlights

    Who Can Be Held Liable in a Boat Accident?

    To recover damages after a boat accident, you must first be able to prove that the accident was the fault of another person or party. This means presenting evidence such as:

    • Witness statements
    • Photos of the accident damage
    • Accident report
    • Proof of a boat operator’s negligence or lack of fitness
    • Evidence of gear malfunction

    Because they don’t leave a crash scene to investigate and often happen far from other parties, proof can be hard to find after a boat accident.

    This is why you should reach out to an experienced law firm like Rosenberg & Rosenberg, P.A. We can investigate your accident and preserve evidence to strengthen your claim. This is one of the most important things you can do to improve your chance of compensation.

    Determining Liability in Florida Boating Accidents

    Any party whose negligence contributed to a boating accident can be held liable for victims’ damages. Depending on the circumstances of your accident, liability may rest with a variety of parties.

    Liability for Boat Operators and Companies in Florida

    As a boat passenger, you expect the captain and crew to know what they’re doing and take all necessary steps to keep you safe. If they make mistakes, including not conducting safety checks or taking you out in conditions they’re not prepared for, you can file a claim against them.

    If you’re injured while on a ride you paid for, you may find yourself filing a claim against a company rather than an individual. We can help with either type of case.

    Accountability for Other Boat Operators and Watercraft

    Boat operators are responsible for leaving enough space around themselves and others to prevent collisions or other accidents that may be caused by two craft being in close proximity.

    Every boat owner or operator is responsible for knowing the rules and being able to safely use their craft. Anyone who gets distracted while piloting or loses control of their boat can seriously injure others—and, therefore, can and should be held accountable.

    Claims Against Boat and Gear Manufacturers

    Breakdowns are especially dangerous on the water, where passengers have no safe retreat and help may be far away. If a boat manufacturer or the company responsible for making parts or safety gear sells unsafe products, anyone who ends up injured due to an unexpected malfunction has the right to file a suit.

    While these claims are rare, they can involve bringing a lawsuit against a big company—which means you need an experienced law firm like Rosenberg & Rosenberg, P.A. to fight for you in such a situation.

    Maximize Your Compensation with a Florida Boat Injury Attorney

    Successfully recovering compensation after an accident is essential, especially if you were badly hurt. Few Americans have the resources to cover medical expenses. Especially if you have also missed work because of your accident, finding financial help can be one of the most pressing issues. Our attorneys are here to help you during this time, providing honest guidance and tough advocacy.

    The sooner you reach out to us, the more we can do to find and preserve evidence and push back against any attempts the liable parties make to wiggle out of blame. In a free initial case evaluation, we will listen to your story and your needs.

    Then, we will share how we can help you. Our team is known for our compassionate service and personalized attention to each client and case. Reach out today to see why Rosenberg & Rosenberg, P.A. is known for providing top-tier representation to accident victims.