Can I Receive Workers’ Compensation if I Work From Home?

Workers’ compensation is a system that provides benefits to workers who are injured or contract an illness at work. The program is usually administered by state governments as part of social welfare programs. While workers’ compensation is most commonly associated with injuries sustained by manual laborers, the truth is that any worker can be covered by the program. Office workers and even those working from home can receive benefits if injured at work.

Proving a WFH Injury

Proving that your injury was job-related and sustained during the scope of your employment can be difficult, especially when working remotely. However, workers’ compensation may work in your favor if it is proven that your injury:

  • Was caused through actions that benefitted your employer.
  • Was caused due to actions required by your job description.

An Employer Cannot Control the Safety of Your Home

There is sometimes a debate over whether or not an employee can be eligible for workers’ compensation when working from home due to the employer having no control over the environment. This, however, usually does not hold up in the courts, allowing remote workers to be eligible for benefits.

Common Working From Home Injuries

Injuries sustained when working from home are similar to those in an office setting. Employees who are sitting at desks for extended periods working on computers are more vulnerable to:

  • Musculoskeletal Disorders – Repetitive motions, such as typing on a keyboard or using a mouse, can lead to pain in the wrists (carpal tunnel), hands, elbows and shoulders.
  • Eye Strain – Staring at a computer screen for long periods can cause fatigue and irritation.
  • Neck Pain – Poor posture while working at a desk can lead to tension, headaches and pain in the neck and shoulders.
  • Back Pain – Sitting in an awkward position or slouching can cause muscle strain and pain in the back.

Slip, Trips and Falls

Determining whether a slip, trip or fall is covered under workers’ compensation can be more challenging. A few questions must be asked when considering the factors relating to the accident.

  1. Did the accident happen while the employee was on-the-clock?
  2. Did the accident occur in a work-related area of the home?
  3. Was there a work-related reason for the slip and fall?

Note: Under the Personal Comfort Doctrine, employees can be eligible for injuries sustained during break or on their way to the restroom.

Workers’ Compensation Attorneys in Hollywood, FL You Can Trust

Workers’ compensation is a vital part of the American social safety net, providing crucial financial assistance to employees who are injured while on the job. However, many workers are unaware that they may still be eligible for workers’ compensation benefits even if they are injured while working from home.

The workers’ compensation attorneys at Rosenberg & Rosenberg, P.A. have experience helping employees navigate the often-complex workers’ compensation system. We can help you build a strong case for benefits and fight for the total amount of compensation you deserve.

If you are suffering from an injury that you have sustained as the result of a workplace accident, call us today at +1 (954) 963-0444 or fill out our form online for a free consultation.


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