Do Teens Cause More Car Accidents?

The Dangers of Teen Drivers

For teen drivers, getting their driver’s license is an exciting event. Not only does this allow them more freedom to go places without a ride from mom or dad, but it’s also a big responsibility. Sadly, According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), motor vehicle crashes are the second leading cause of death for teens. However, teen motor vehicle crashes can be prevented. Here are some ways to ensure your teen driver is safe when venturing out on the road.

Teen Crash Statistics

The CDC cites that in 2019, teen male drivers between the ages of 16 and 19 had motor vehicle death rates twice as high as their female counterparts of the same age. Here are some other concerning statistics that you should know:

  • In 2019 2,042 people were killed in a motor vehicle crash involving teen drivers.
  • In 2019, 40% of car crash deaths among teens between the ages of 13 and 19 occurred between 9 pm and 6 am.
  • In 2019 52% of crash deaths among teens between the ages of 13 and 19 happened on a Friday, Saturday, or Sunday.
  • Unsupervised teen drivers carrying teen or young adult passengers increase the risk of being involved in a crash.
  • Teens are more likely to make driving decision errors that can lead to a severe crash
  • Of all teen drivers who died in car crashes in 2019, almost half were not wearing a seatbelt.

Tips To Keeping Teen Drivers Safe

One of the top ways to keep teen drivers safe is to maintain open communication and talk about the car accident risk factors that often involve teen drivers, such as distracted driving, driving while intoxicated, and speeding. Talking to your teens about road safety early on can instill good driving habits even before they reach driving age. It’s also critical for parents to set good examples when driving. For example, be sure to refrain from texting while driving and talking on your cell phone as well as wearing your seat belt for every ride.

Injured in a car crash? Contact Rosenberg & Rosenberg, P.A.

Car crashes involving teen drivers can be one of the most severe posing the risk of catastrophic injuries. If you or someone you love has been injured in a car accident, it can be stressful. From medical expenses to lost work and more, we are ready to help you seek compensation. For over 50 years, our experienced personal injury attorneys have been serving the wrongfully injured. We are here to protect your right to recover the maximum amount of damages under the law.

Contact Rosenberg & Rosenberg, P.A. today at +1 (954) 963-0444 to schedule a free consultation.


Centers for Disease Control and Prevention: Teen Drivers: Get the Facts

National Highway Traffic Safety Administration: Teen Driving


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