How to Report a Construction Site Accident in Florida

To report a construction site accident in Florida, you should:

  • Write down everything you remember about the event
  • Fill out the correct form with accurate information
  • Submit the form to your employer within 30 days of the accident
  • Check in with your employer to make sure they send your report to the insurance company within seven days

If you run into a problem, or if you have questions about how to file your construction accident report, you have the right to consult with our Florida workers’ compensation lawyers at any time.

Preserve Your Memories of the Construction Site Accident

After receiving medical treatment from the onsite medic and/or emergency services, the first step you should take to report a construction site accident in Florida is to preserve your memories. This could include:

  • Reviewing any photos or videos you took at the accident site
  • Writing out the sequence of events in chronological order
  • Writing down the injury symptoms you experienced at the time and immediately afterward
  • Recording the names of everyone who was there and reaching out to them for more information

Construction accidents like falls from heights and building collapses are often sudden, chaotic, and frightening events. You may find that you:

  • Do not remember the entire event clearly
  • Did not have time to preserve evidence from the scene
  • Remember things differently from others who were there

This is why it is critical to write down what you remember as quickly as possible, while your memories are as fresh as possible. It is also a good idea to consult our workers’ comp lawyers for advice. We can collect the evidence you need to prove your claim.

File Your Workplace Accident Injury Report

To make an accident report in construction, you must fill out the employee’s section of the First Report of Injury or Illness, or DWC-1, form. This form asks you to provide:

  • Your name, Social Security number, and contact information
  • Details of when and how the accident happened
  • Details of what kind of injury you sustained
  • Your signature

Note that you do not have to identify an at-fault party when filing your claim. Construction workers are entitled to benefits regardless of fault.

That said, if our workplace injury attorneys find that a third party shares liability for your accident—for example, if a property owner pushed employees to operate heavy machinery or work at heights in unsafe conditions—we can file a personal injury lawsuit in addition to a workers’ compensation claim.

Submit Your Accident Report to Your Employer

The employer’s section of the First Report form must be filled out by your employer. You have 30 days from the date of injury to give them the DWC-1 form. Failure to do so could be grounds for a denial, meaning that you would not be entitled to workers’ compensation benefits for:

  • Medical care
  • Lost wages
  • Reemployment services
  • Permanent or temporary disability

Your employer has seven days to complete their portion of the form, which includes providing business information and additional data about your injury and position within the company.

Once your employer completes their section of the form, they send it on to the insurance company, which will decide whether to approve some or all of your claim or to deny it outright.

Make Sure Your Employer Submits Your Construction Accident Report

It is your employer’s duty to send your report to the workers’ compensation insurance company. Unfortunately, not every employer does this in a timely manner. If you do not hear back from them within seven days, you should contact them yourself or have our Florida construction accident lawyers do so.

If your employer does not respond to your follow-up or refuses to submit your report, you can:

  • File your report with the insurer directly
  • Ask our personal injury law firm for advice on what to do next
  • Let us handle communications with your employer and try to convince them to cooperate

Are Florida Construction Workers Entitled to Workers’ Comp Benefits?

Yes. According to Florida’s Chief Financial Officer (CFO), virtually every construction industry employer in the state is required to carry workers’ compensation insurance. Even if you are the business’s sole employee, you are entitled to benefits, because all construction businesses with at least one employee must purchase insurance.

If the insurer tries to deny your claim, or if your employer tries to illegally retaliate against you for filing a claim, our Florida attorneys can take swift action to protect your rights.

Why Should Florida Construction Workers Seek Workers’ Comp Benefits?

Construction is dangerous: according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), 91 Florida construction workers died because of workplace injuries in 2022. This represents 30 percent of all work-related fatalities in the state that year.

Because construction is such hazardous yet necessary work, you should not hesitate to take advantage of the financial benefits that workers’ compensation offers to construction employees. By reporting your injury in a timely manner, you can:

  • Recover the benefits you and your family need to survive as you heal from your injury
  • Demonstrate the utility and necessity of the workers’ compensation program
  • Make sure your employer upholds the law by providing benefits to injured workers
  • Incentivize your employer to create a safer workspace, which in turn reduces worker injuries and minimizes workers’ comp payouts

The families of deceased workers are also entitled to workers’ compensation benefits, including funeral expenses and loss of financial support. If you have lost a loved one in an occupational accident, it is not too late to get the benefits you need.

No matter what the outcome of your construction site accident is, you deserve benefits. Our construction accident attorneys in Florida understand this and are eager to help you exercise your rights.

Get Compensation for Your Florida Construction Site Accident

The family-owned firm of Rosenberg & Rosenberg has spent over 50 years protecting our community through personalized legal service and aggressive, attentive representation. To learn more about how to report a construction site accident in Florida and pursue the benefits you need, call us today for a free consultation.


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