How Defensive Driving Can Prevent a Car Accident

Defensive Driving Tips

While you may consider yourself a good driver, how often do you practice defensive driving? Whether you are a novice or experienced behind the wheel, driving defensively at all times can decrease your chances of being involved in a car crash. Here are some safety tips every motorist needs to know.

Always Be Ready and Look Ahead

While it may be a scary way to think when you are driving, it’s important to keep in mind that there is a possibility that you could be involved in a car accident. However, when you prepare yourself to engage in preventive and safe driving maneuvers, you could prevent a severe collision from happening and save lives. In addition, it’s essential to keep your focus on the car in front of you, looking far ahead and keeping your eyes on your surroundings. This can help you identify potential hazards. Be sure to use your mirrors to check behind you for approaching hazards as well.

Stay Focused

According to the National Highway Traffic and Safety Administration’s (NHTSA) latest statistics, distracted driving caused 2,841 deaths in 2018. You can avoid driving while distracted by refraining from the following activities when behind the wheel:

  • Texting or talking on the phone
  • Eating or drinking
  • Playing with radio or navigation system
  • Grooming (putting on makeup, brushing your hair)
  • Tending to children in the backseat

If you must do any of the above activities, pull over to a safe place off the road.

Don’t Tailgate

Tailgating is a common and hazardous driving habit of many motorists. When driving too close behind the vehicle in front of you, you put yourself and others at risk on the road. It can take as long as a football field to stop your car at 55 MPH completely. If a vehicle you are tailgating suddenly stops short, you won’t have enough time to stop — resulting in a rear-end collision safely.

Don’t Speed

While it’s common knowledge that speeding is a “no-no” on the roadways, drivers put their pedal to the metal every day. Be sure to obey speed limits. Going too fast can cause you to lose control of your car and crash.

Contact a Fort Lauderdale Car Accident Attorney

A car accident can be a traumatic event, especially if it resulted in someone losing their life or who has sustained a devastating and life-altering injury. If you or a loved one suffered a car crash injury due to another’s negligence, you have the right to file a claim.

Our experienced personal injury attorneys will fight to protect your rights against the insurance companies. Our legal team has your best interest in mind and will work hard to ensure that you receive the maximum compensation that you deserve.

Contact Rosenberg & Rosenberg, P.A. today at +1 (954) 963-0444 to schedule a free consultation.


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