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Fort Lauderdale Bicycle Accident Lawyers

50+ Years of Experience Fighting for the Seriously Injured

Bicycle accidents are often associated with severe injuries, though only among riders—drivers are protected by the safety features of their vehicles. This means a biker who was doing everything right could end up seriously disabled by a negligent driver who suffers no consequences at all.

We are here to help those affected by devastating bicycle accidents. Whether you were injured or you lost a loved one to a careless driver, our team can help you find justice.

With more than 50 years of experience, our Fort Lauderdale bicycle accident lawyers have extensive knowledge of state driving and insurance laws. We can help you navigate the legal system efficiently and easily.

To start your claim, call Rosenberg & Rosenberg, P.A. at +1 (954) 963-0444 for a free consultation. Our family firm is dedicated to providing compassionate and skillful support to bicycle accident victims.

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The Risks to Florida Bicyclists

Under Florida law, bicycles are considered vehicles; therefore, cyclists are expected to adhere to the same rules of the road as other motorists. At the same time, motorists must be prepared to share the road—something many of them do not do.

Florida remains the most dangerous state for bicyclists, with an average of 110 cyclist deaths annually. While it is possible for bicyclists’ bad practices to cause or contribute to accidents, motorists often put bike riders in danger by:

If you were hurt in a bicycle accident, it’s possible you didn’t even see the exact act of driver negligence that caused it. Having proof of liability is necessary if you plan to seek compensation from the at-fault party. If you’re in this situation, make sure to ask your attorney how they can help you find the evidence you need to file a claim.

Bike Laws of the Road

Generally, cyclists who are not riding as fast as current traffic are required to stay to the far right of the lanes or if available use the bike lane. Cyclists are permitted to leave the side of the road for a few reasons: 1) they are able to keep up with traffic, 2) the lane is too narrow to safely share with passing cars, 3) they need to make a left turn, or 4) they need to avoid debris or other road hazards.

Safe Passing Space

If you are a motorist, you are required by law to share the lane with cyclists and provide safe space while passing. If a motorist is not able to provide a safe amount of space while passing the cyclist, they may be required to slow down behind the cyclist and wait until they are in an area that can provide a safe passing distance.

Some insurance adjusters may try to insinuate you were not over far enough to the right if you were involved in an accident where a car knocked you off your bike. Don’t fall for this tactic. You have just as much right to the road as a motorist. The driver of the vehicle is required to practice a reasonable duty of care when passing you.

Right-Turn Right of Way

Many cyclist accidents occur as a result of the motorist failing to see the bicyclist as they turn right. Regardless of whether or not the cyclist is in the bicycle lane or the side of the road, the motorist is at fault. Drivers are required to make sure it is safe to turn right prior to turning. If the driver did not see the cyclist and made their turn, they have failed to verify it is safe and is therefore at fault.

The Left Cross

Another common cause of bicycle accidents is the left cross. This incident occurs when a motorist and a bicycle approach an intersection with an unprotected left-hand turn. The bicyclist is cycling through the intersection on a green light while the motorist turns left and crashes into the cyclist.

Motorists sometimes fail to see the cyclist because they are looking for oncoming vehicles, not bikes. A good way to prevent this incident is to ride a little more to the left than usual, which should indicate you plan on taking the right of way and give the motorist a better chance of seeing you.

Understanding Bicycle Accident Risks

Florida is one of the most popular places for bicyclists. Although there is an abundance of nature trails and beaches for a ride, bicyclists often share public roads with cars, trucks, and buses. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration’s (NHTSA) latest data on bicycle accidents, Florida has the highest fatality rate per million population. This infographic explains some key statistics every Floridian should know.


National Highway Traffic Safety Administration Reporting

  • There were 121 bicyclist fatalities in 2018.
  • 40.5% of all fatalities, in 2018, were people between the age of 55 and 65.
  • 38.5% of all fatalities were caused by failure to yield right of way.
  • The most bicycle accidents occurred between 6 a.m. and 8:59 a.m.
  • 96.4% of bicycle fatalities involved a passenger car.
  • 45.5% of bicycle fatalities involved a large truck.

*Data Source: NHTSA – 2018

Do I Need a Lawyer After a Bicycle Accident?

If you’re involved in an accident in a no-fault state like Florida, you may hear there’s no need for you to hire an attorney—after all, personal injury protection (PIP) insurance will cover your injuries, no matter who was at fault.

There’s one part of this that is true: PIP insurance will pay up to $10,000 even someone who is 100% at fault in an accident. However, especially after a bicycle accident, insurance can be complicated.

You Probably Don’t Have Bicycle Insurance

Car insurance is required for everyone who drives a vehicle—but bicyclists aren’t required to purchase coverage. This means figuring out whose PIP applies—and encouraging that insurer to step up—may take a bit of work. A lawyer can take on the heavy lifting to ensure your bills are paid in a timely manner.

What If the Injury Is Catastrophic?

Since Florida only requires $10,000 in PIP insurance, that’s the amount many people have. However, your medical bills and other losses may be much higher if you suffer serious injuries like:

Such injuries could have effects that last the rest of your lifetime, and you do not want to be left to bear them alone. Working with an experienced lawyer can help you recover a settlement for the extensive damages related to these types of injuries.

A Legacy of Success in Florida

Rosenberg & Rosenberg, P.A. has long been dedicated to helping injury victims recover fair compensation and find justice after accidents. We have recovered over $10 million for our clients with our compassionate and personalized representation. We go the extra mile to help every client because we know how pivotal your success is in an insurance claim. Whatever your needs are, we want to help you meet them.

Injured bicyclists should be fully compensated for both economic and non-economic losses incurred in the accident. Unfortunately, the process is rarely as easy as it should be. Do not hesitate to ask our bicycle accident attorneys how we can help investigate your accident, collect evidence, negotiate with insurance adjusters, and fight tirelessly for your right to compensation.