Drunk Driving Accidents

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Fort Lauderdale Drunk Driving Accidents Lawyer

Legal Support After a DUI Accident in Florida

Driving while intoxicated is arguably the most dangerous thing a motorist can do. Everyone learns from an early age that it is reckless to drink and drive, and that doing so endangers the lives of everyone else on the road. Those who make the decision to get behind the wheel should be held accountable to the full extent of the law when they injure or kill someone else. .

Rosenberg & Rosenberg, P.A. can help you gather and present strong evidence to establish liability and recover your damages after a drunk driving accident. Though liability may seem open-and-shut in such collisions, you may still face unwelcome challenges to your insurance claim. We can help you fight for the compensation you deserve. Our attorneys have over 50 years of of experience taking complex and serious accident cases. Ask us how we can help your claim if you were hit by a drunk driver.

Schedule a free consultation with one of our Fort Lauderdale attorneys by calling . We are here to fight for justice for anyone injured in a drunk driving accident.

Contact Our Firm

    Seeking Fair Compensation for Drunk Driving Accident Victims

    Drunk driving is illegal and is usually assumed to constitute negligence on a driver’s behalf. Our job in an accident claim is to demonstrate how a drunk driver’s careless behavior harmed you. Once we have established that connection, we can help you request damages for the challenges you are now facing.

    The injuries resulting from such accidents can include:

    Medical bills and property damage caused by serious drunk driving accidents can cause severe financial stress unless the victim is able to obtain compensation. Let us do our part to make sure you are taken care of after being hit by a drunk driver.

    Experienced Attorneys for Drunk Driving Accident Claims

    Rosenberg & Rosenberg, P.A. puts clients first. Our attorneys offer personalized service and stay in frequent contact with clients to ensure they know what is going on and what they should expect to happen next. We take calls 24/7 and will always get back to those who reach out to us within 24 hours.

    Filing a car accident claim without the guidance and representation of a skilled personal injury attorney can result in you receiving less compensation than you are entitled to. Do not give an insurer the chance to underpay you: Reach out to our team today to start your drunk driving accident claim.

    Start your claim today by calling to schedule a free consultation. Our Fort Lauderdale attorneys can provide the caring guidance and support you need.