Multi-Vehicle Accidents

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Fort Lauderdale Multi-Vehicle Accident Attorneys

The Skill and Resources to Handle Complex Accident Claims

A multi-vehicle accident is any collision that involves more than two cars. These crashes tend to be more deadly than two-car accidents. Most of them occur in high-capacity and high-speed areas, where dense traffic and tailgating are common. If one person at the head of a long line of tailgating cars has to stop suddenly, each car is unlikely to have enough time to stop before striking the car ahead.

The particular danger of these accidents is that cars may suffer multiple impacts, potentially from different directions. Your airbags are likely to deploy with the first collision, leaving you with no further protection if your car is hit again. Each additional vehicle involved in the accident could also mean more dangerous debris and leaking gasoline. In a pileup, this is especially dangerous, as occupants may be unable to exit their car even if there is a fire.

The damages from these accidents can be intense, and you should not have to deal with them alone. Our attorneys can help you navigate the complex web of liability to determine where and how you can recover compensation. Especially in a multi-vehicle accident, trying to file a claim on your own could result in a low settlement or even a denial. Don’t let that happen—reach out to our team today.

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    Determining Liability in a Multi-Vehicle Accident

    If two people get into a car crash, it’s relatively easy to tell who made the mistake(s) that resulted in the collision. In a multi-vehicle accident, it can be hard to tell who was at fault and who was merely harmed as a result of another’s negligence.

    With Florida’s no-fault insurance rules, each driver’s insurance pays for that person’s injuries and damages, regardless of who was at fault. However, especially in bad accidents, your losses may exceed your policy’s limits. If you or a passenger was permanently injured or disfigured by the accident, you may be able to file a liability claim with the other driver’s insurance company or pursue a lawsuit against the individual. This can help you recover the compensation you need for lifelong care.

    To file such a claim, however, you must be able to prove other parties were at fault. Our attorneys can fully investigate your accident, searching for any footage of the wreck, visiting the accident scene, and looking at the damage to the vehicles involved to reconstruct the chain of events. We can also bring in experts as needed to testify on your behalf. While proving liability may be difficult when multiple vehicles are involved in a crash, doing so is essential to your claim—so our attorneys are willing to do whatever it takes to find evidence.

    What Is the Statute of Limitations for Accident Claims?

    A statute of limitations sets a time limit on when you can file a particular kind of suit. For car accidents that cause personal injury, you have two years from the date of the collision to file. However, if you were injured by a government employee or vehicle, such as a city bus, you might have to file a “notice of claim” with the agency in charge of public transportation in your area. These claims usually have a significantly shorter window.

    Either way, due to the complexity of multi-vehicle accidents, it’s best to get started on your claim right away. Additionally, some evidence may be lost with time, making it much harder for you to prove another party’s liability and recover the compensation you need. Therefore, we don’t recommend waiting, even though the statute of limitations may seem like it’s far in the future. With the time needed to investigate these accidents and build your case, it’s better to start early than to risk your claim becoming invalid.

    Let Us Help You Maximize Your Compensation

    If you were permanently disfigured or sustained a catastrophic injury during a multi-vehicle accident, reach out to our office today to learn how our attorneys can help you find justice. Maximizing your compensation in an accident claim is never easy, and the more complicating factors involved in a crash, the harder your fight may be. Don’t spend your time worrying about how you will pay for your care: Contact a lawyer to take on the work for you.

    Our lawyers have more than 50 years of legal experience to offer your case. We have a strong record of success and have recovered millions of dollars in verdicts and settlements over the years. Let us support you, too. We offer honest legal guidance and all-around support to our clients, so their recovery goes as smoothly as possible.

    Let our Fort Lauderdale team help you if you were hurt in a multi-vehicle accident. Call our office any time at to start your claim.