Dangerous Blind Spots of a Truck

How to Stay Safe When Driving Next to a Big Rig

Trucks are incredibly intimidating on the road due to their size, weight, and abundance of blind spots. If you happen to be driving near or around a truck, the driver may not even realize you are there and attempt to change their lane, thus causing an accident. Though truck drivers are trained to look out for other cars on the road, navigating such a large vehicle with limited visibility can be challenging due to improperly placed mirrors and more.

What are a Truck’s “No Zones?”

Also known as “no zones,” the following are common blind spots of trucks:

  • The front – a blind spot in the front of a truck can extend as far as 20 feet.
  • The back – a blind spot in the back of a truck can extend as far as 30 feet.
  • Both the left and right side – assume a truck driver cannot see you if you can’t see their reflection in their side mirrors.

As you can see, nearly all sides of a truck can pose certain dangers. If you are on the road next to an 18-wheeler and are concerned about not being in the driver’s line of vision, it is vital that you first and foremost keep your distance. Though it is nearly impossible to avoid trucks, especially on the highway, you can significantly decrease your chances for accident or injury by maintaining a safe distance and ensuring you don’t linger too long in the above blind spots.

How to Avoid Getting in a Truck’s Blind Spot

When sharing the road with big rigs and other large trucks, it’s critical to remember that if you can’t see the truck driver’s reflection in their side mirror, then they cannot see you. Here are some ways to avoid their blind spots:

  • Don’t linger next to the truck. When riding in traffic with a large truck, don’t drive alongside for an extended period of time. Pass the truck quickly but within speed limit rules.
  • Don’t tailgate behind the truck. Since trucks also have blind spots in the back of their vehicles, driving too closely behind can result in a severe accident if the truck in front of you needs to suddenly brake.
  • Merge properly. When you need to merge, don’t cut a truck off. Ensure you have enough room to merge safely with an oncoming truck. Swerving or trying to quickly get in front of the truck can lead to a devastating accident.

Injured in a Truck Crash? Contact Our Personal Injury Lawyers Today.

Serving Fort Lauderdale and Hollywood, we at Rosenberg & Rosenberg, P.A.Rosenberg and Rosenberg are a team of Florida personal injury attorneys who are passionate about helping you obtain the compensation you are entitled to following an accident with a truck. Truck accidents can be incredibly debilitating for all involved. It is essential you enlist the help of strong-minded legal representation so you don’t have to resolve your medical bills or other expenses on your own. Let us be the advocate you need to move past this traumatic experience.

ContactRosenberg & Rosenberg, P.A.today at +1 (954) 963-0444 to schedule a free consultation.


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