Workers’ Comp and the Trucking Industry

When it comes to workers’ compensation for truckers, things can become more complex: a driver can be injured in one state while they live in another and the trucking company is located in a third. If the trucking company happens to be located in a state with high workers’ compensation premiums, the underwriter could choose to use the higher state rates.Truck drivers are susceptible to certain injuries more than other workers including musculoskeletal injuries. Other injuries result from the nature of their work including long periods of sitting followed by short periods of strenuous labor in the loading or unloading of freight. Other habits include long hours of going without sleep to make deadlines and poor lifestyle and eating habits.

Common situations where injuries occur include:

  • Slips and falls climbing in and out of the cab or trailer
  • Carpal tunnel syndrome
  • Vehicle accidents
  • Strains and sprains to the back from repetitive lifting
  • Accidents while loading or unloading the trailer

Trucking companies usually have a comprehensive safety program established and should offer drivers a copy of its safety policy. Every driver should be required to attend at least one yearly safety briefly as well.

Drug testing programs can have a positive impact on workers’ compensation costs even if it means finding drivers is more difficult. Better drivers usually mean fewer injuries and expensive claims. This should include a program of new hire testing, random drug tests, and mandatory drug testing after accidents.

Health and wellness programs also bring down the cost of workers’ compensation along with the cost of health insurance benefits. This can prevent or reduce the effects of medical conditions which interfere with the employee’s recovery.

If you have a workers’ compensation claim to file as a truck driver, turn to our Fort Lauderdale workers’ compensation attorneys who can push for your right to recover damages.


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